Pat Metheny: guitar, guitar synth
Ornette Coleman: alto saxophone, violin on 8
Charlie Haden: bass
Jack DeJohnette: drums
Denard Coleman: drums, percussion
Recorded: December 13-14, 1985 at The Power Station, New York
The exciting thing for me is to discover how these six pieces - which are included at the beginning of the new release - really complete the recording. They include two pieces ("Police People" and "The Goof Life") where I contributed some more conventional blowing changes for us to play on for the improvised sections to go with Ornette's great melodies - how rare and beautiful to hear Ornette play on structure like that - and three tunes that send the band into areas that were largely unrepresented in the original recording ("Word From Bird","The Veil" and "Computer". The piece "All Of Us" functions mostly as a link.)
- Pat Metheny May 2005
Tracks list:
01. Police People (*)
02. All Of Us (*)
03. The Good Life (*)
04. Word From Bird (*)
05. Compute (*)
06. The Veil (*)
07. Song X
08. Mob Job
09. Endangered Species
10. Video Games
11. Kathelin Gray
12. Trigonometry
13. Song X Duo
14. Long Time No See
* Previously un-issued
Как выразился один наш общий знакомый:" PAT METHENY к джазу никакого отношения не имеет". Немогу не согласится, более того не могу понять причину по которой Колмэн с ним играл. Тем не менее альбом существует и стало быть Вы сами можете составить своё собственное мнение...
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